Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pass me the Remy...

This song just makes me giggle. Remy Shand is a great artist. Its a shame that his career sort of fizzled. Oh well... Enjoy the song and the corny video!

Take A Message by Remy Shand YouTube Video

Couple: Emmett and Rosalie

Scenario: These two always seem to be fighting and making up, then fighting some more and making up. Emmett's tried apologizing for his most recent fuck up, but this time Rose is just plain over it. But maybe if she wont listen to what he has to say, she'll pay closer attention to what his body is telling her when he takes her right on the living room floor.

Recommendation: No real recommendation this week. This song is just so ridiculous, but awesome all at the same time. I could totally see Emmett thinking that this is the perfect song to get his lady in the mood. The instrumental is good to hump to, but I can't honestly focus with Remy's voice in the background. Add it to the silly strip tease list.

Next week's song will be back to the typical sexy. Hehe.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Take what you want... then make him beg for more.

I have been a Spice Girls freak since I was 13 or so and I still love listening to their music all the time. Oddly enough so does my dad. This song just hasn't gone out of style and I don't think it ever will.

Holler by The Spice Girls YouTube Video

Couple: Jake and Nessie

Scenario: It's Tuesday afternoon and Nessie is studying with her best friend, who she just happens to be lusting after. Jake wants her too, but loves teasing Nessie, poking fun at the idea that he may just be a little too much for her to handle. A final wise crack forces her hand and she mauls him. Jake is pleasantly surprised.

Recommendation: If anyone is underestimating you in the bedroom, put this song on and shock the shit out of them.

Read more about MY favorite couple in swill122's one-shot Alpha's female. It's HOT!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I kissed a girl... and then some

Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul YouTube Video

Couple: Rosalie and Bella

Scenario: It's Saturday Morning and their boys think they are out on their weekly shoe shopping excursion. What they don't know is that ever since one accidental drunken kiss, their ladies can't keep their hands off each other. They aren't at the outlets, they aren't at the promenade. They're at the Hilton, ripping each other's clothes off. They've tried to stop, but they can't. The tribbing is just too good.

Recommendation: As with threesomes, I can't really encourage the affair. Most end is some messy fashion, but by all means, partake and enjoy it while it lasts.

Read a little more about these two in my one shot... Me and Mrs. McCarty, named for this particular sexy jam. Just thought I'd throw in a picture of the girls for good measure.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You know the answer...

I am not all that familiar with Floetry's whole catalog, but I love the hell out of this song. These two babes really know how to let it all out and then ask for more. ENJOY!!!!

Say Yes by Floetry YouTube Video

Couple: Edward and Bella

Scenario: It's Monday morning and Bella is not in her own bed. After a rare, but amazing Sunday Night, one night stand she needs to plan her escape. But when she's faced with the sleeping, red-headed, sex god with his arm linked around her waist she realizes that maybe instead of making a break for it, she should wake Edward up and take him for another slow, slow ride.

Recommendation: This song is great for seducing someone who you may or may not be in love with, but you totally want to bone. I think it is also a really great song to perform tortuously slow oral sex to.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A little something for my favorite Southern couple...

I LOVE the Dixie Chicks. Sue me. They have some wonderfully sweet, heart breaking songs, but this song just stuck with me after the first time I heard it. I have no idea whether it was written for a child or not, but I think it the right context it' just so romantic.

Lullaby by The Dixie Chicks YouTube Video

Couple: Jasper and Alice

Scenario: It's Friday Night. Alice has had a terrible week at work. All she wants to do is crawl in bed and go to sleep. But Jasper has better plans: a candle lit dinner on the back porch, some slow dancing under the stars and of course, some sweet sweet sexin'. Alice may want to strangle her clients, but she sure does love her man.

Recommendation: This song is just made for romancing. Share it with someone you want to cuddle up with and go down on.